
Cannabis is usually smoked although some people put it in food such as cakes or brownies.

The effects of cannabis can be feeling chilled out, happy and relaxed. In some cases, it can make you hallucinate so you may see, hear or feel things in a different way to normal.

People often think that cannabis is safe because it’s natural, however there are risks associated with the use of any kind of drug.


Cannabis effects how your brain works. It can make you feel very anxious and even paranoid, it can make it difficult for you to concentrate and learn, make your memory worse and make you feel less motivated.

Tobacco and cannabis have both been linked to lung diseases like tuberculosis and lung cancer.

Using cannabis has also been linked, in some people, to serious, long-term mental health problems including depression, anxiety and psychosis.

Support & Services

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or from the drugs helpline: Freefone 1800 459 459