Staying Safe – Using Hook-Up Apps

Most of the time, using hook-up apps is a fun and pleasurable experience. It is also a great way to meet new people. Yet, on occasion, things can go wrong. It doesn’t matter how often you’ve had successful hook-ups in the past or how experienced or savvy an app user you are. Anyone can become a victim.

Here are soe tips that can help keep you safe:

1. Get a face pic before meeting him

Lots of guys are shy or aren’t ready to come out yet so might be hesitant to share a face picture. Have you shared a picture of yourself?

Is your potential hook-up refusing to share pictures of his face? If so, you should consider this a red flag. It could be they’re insecure about how they look. Or it could be they don’t trust you yet. That’s fair enough. Consider putting off meeting them until you’ve built up enough trust and they have shared their face pic with you.

2. Suggest a video call

Getting a face pic is important but a photo isn’t always real. If you’re not convinced about their face pic(s), suggest a quick live video call. It’s a quick and easy way to figure out whether your hook up is who they say they are. Most gay dating apps such as Grindr and Scruff offer video chat functionality. Or use Kik. Either way, you don’t have to share your mobile number.

3. Check out their socials.

If a video call isn’t his thing, or yours, ask for his social media handles. Check his profile to see if he links to them. You might get a better sense of him from what he posts on social media. You could find that you have friends in common on Instagram or Facebook. Be wary of any social media accounts that are recently created. These include ones with low follower counts that have no or few posts.

4. Let a friend know you’re going to hook-up with someone

Send a text to a trusted friend or into the group chat. Particularly if it’s the first time you’re meeting your hook-up in real life. Tell them where you’re going or drop your live location. Plan a time that you’ll check in with them to let them know it’s going well or a safe word that you’ll send if you need help.

5. Let a friend know you’re going to hook-up with someone

Send a text to a trusted friend or into the group chat. Particularly if it’s the first time you’re meeting your hook-up in real life. Tell them where you’re going or drop your live location. Plan a time that you’ll check in with them to let them know it’s going well or a safe word that you’ll send if you need help.

6. Trust your instincts

If you walked up to the person or the person walked up to you and the vibe changes or he does something you don’t like. If this is something obviously wrong or something you can’t quite put your finger on, listen to your gut. Make excuses and leave. If the person is at your house, ask to leave; alert your friends and the Gardaí if he doesn’t.

7. Think before accepting drinks or food and bring your own lubricant and protection

Most guys who offer you something to eat or drink probably just want to make you feel welcome and comfortable. But it’s probably better not to accept it if you don’t see it being prepared. Drinks, food and even lubricant, it’s rare, but it happens.

8. Get help if you need it

In an emergency, call 999 and ask for Gardaí. If you have been the victim of abuse or crime by someone you met online, report it to the Gardaí. Seek support if you need it. You can find a list of support here.