Do I need to be Vaccinated?

Vaccines featuring silhouette of two people

If you are a gay or bisexual man, a man who has sex with men (gbMSM) or are transgender, it is recommended by the National Immunisation Committee (NIAC) that you are vaccinated against hepatitis A, hepatitis B and HPV (human papillomavirus). A vaccine is a substance that improves immunity (protection) to a particular disease.

Vaccines can protect you against many harmful diseases before you come into contact with them. Vaccines are safe and effective.

Hepatitis A & B

Hepatitis A and hepatitis B are viruses that infect the liver. Hepatitis A usually causes a mild illness and occasionally can cause more severe illness. Hepatitis A has been increasingly affecting men who have sex with men across Europe, including Ireland. Hepatitis B is a major cause of serious liver diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer that affect millions of people worldwide. Both hepatitis A and B can be prevented with vaccination. The hepatitis vaccines are freely available in public STI clinics.

If you have a medical card you can also get the vaccine for free at your GP. If you don’t have a medical card, you can still get the vaccine for free but there will be an administration fee.

The vaccine is usually given over a period of six months and usually involves three injections. You’ll be asked to return after you have completed the course for a blood test to check how you have responded. Some people respond really well and never need to be checked again. Some people respond less well and may need boosters in the future. A small number of people don’t respond to the vaccine.

Find an STI clinic near you here


HPV stands for ‘human papillomavirus’, which is a group of more than 100 viruses. HPV is very common – most people will be infected with a form of HPV in their lifetime. HPV infection is most common in people in their late teens and early 20s. Genital Warts are caused by viruses from the human papilloma virus (HPV) family.

There are over 100 different types of HPV that can infect the skin and mucous membranes (for example the throat, anus and penis). Persistence of some types of HPV infections can lead to cancers e.g. HPV types 16 and 18 cause the majority of HPV-associated cancers, notably anal, throat, penile and cervical cancer.

The risk of anal cancer in gbMSM is higher than in heterosexual men. If you also have HIV, this risk is higher again. In addition, gbMSM are more likely to get genital warts. HPV vaccination is an effective way to reduce your risk of genital warts and your risk of developing HPV associated cancer in the future.

The HPV vaccine is available for all gbMSM, including gbMSM living with HIV, up to and including 45 years of age through public STI and HIV clinics. Ask a nurse or doctor at your clinic for more information. The vaccine is usually given over a period of 6-12 months and usually involves three injections.

Find an STI clinic near you here

MPOX (Monkeypox)

The best way to protect yourself from mpox is to get vaccinated.
St Vincent’s Hospital in Dublin offers the mpox vaccine on Monday mornings from 9am-12pm.
Call 01 2215525 or email and they can book you in.

St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin
Carew House,
St Vincent’s Hospital,
Merrion Rd,
Dublin 4

How is the mpox vaccine given?

All mpox vaccines are now given by injecting into your upper arm (subcutaneous). This is the same way you would receive other vaccines.

The vaccine was previously given into the top layers of skin on your forearm (intradermal), this was when stock of the vaccine were low, which is no longer the case.

How many doses of the vaccine will I get?

You will get 2 doses of the mpox vaccine, 28 days apart.

If you have received the first dose of the mpox vaccine elsewhere, you can be given your second dose 28 days after you got your first.

If you had a smallpox vaccine before, you only need 1 dose of the vaccine. But if you have a weak immune system, you will need 2 doses. Vaccines may be less effective for you than other people.

If you are a close contact of someone with mpox, you will get 1 dose of the monkeypox vaccine. Some close contacts will get 2 doses or will be called forward for a second dose after some time.

When will the vaccine start working?

It takes 14 days after you complete your course of vaccine for it to work.

There is a chance you might still get mpox, even if you have had the vaccine. But if you do, it should reduce symptoms of the infection.

Are there any side effects?

The most common side effects of the vaccine are:

  • headache
  • nausea
  • muscle pain (myalgia)
  • tiredness
  • reactions where you got the vaccine, including pain, redness, swelling, hardening and itching

These may affect more than 1 in 10 people.

Report any harmful effects to the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA)

You can report it yourself, or your doctor or family member can do that for you.

Read more about the side effects in the information leaflet –

Can I take other vaccines around the same time?

You can take a COVID-19 vaccine in the days or weeks before your mpox vaccine. However, you should wait 4 weeks after your monkeypox vaccine if you intend to take a COVID-19 vaccine.

You may take other vaccines such as the seasonal flu vaccine at any time before or after a mpox vaccine.

For more information, check the HSE FAQ document below.

Where can I get more information?

The HSE has developed a comprehensive FAQ document which you can download here.

Protection from monkeypox

There is a chance you might still get monkeypox, even if you have had the vaccine. But it may reduce any symptoms of monkeypox. The National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) have more information on monkeypox vaccination here (, and there is more information on the HPSC website here (